Plumbers, Pipefitters and HVAC/R Service Technicians Local 525 can provide the manpower you need to be successful

Whether you’re a service and maintenance, light or heavy commercial, or industrial contractor…
Well established, just getting started, or still in the planning stages…
Local 525 has the reliable, skilled and trained workforce you need to achieve your goals.

The plumbers, pipefitters, and HVAC/R service technicians of Local 525 have a range of skills and experience to match your workforce and payroll needs.

Developing your workforce through Local 525 saves you time and effort.

At Local 525, we maintain a readily available workforce of highly trained plumbers, pipefitters, and HVAC/R service technicians who can step into projects at a moment’s notice. All of the tradesmen we dispatch have either completed a rigorous five-year apprenticeship or have demonstrated equivalent industry standards in skills, safety, and professionalism through vetting by our Organizers and Examining Boards, ensuring they have the skills to handle complex jobs from day one. This means fewer errors, faster job completion, and less chances of costly delays. When you hire on your own, you can’t always be sure of that level of quality.

Technician Repairing the Machine
A technician soldering copper pipe

Access to our state-of-the-art training facilities.

We’re here for you beyond the hiring stage. Every Local 525 member and contractor has access to ongoing skill upgrades at our state-of-the-art training facility. They can expand their knowledge and skills, and keep themselves equipped with the latest industry techniques, making the contractors they work for more profitable.

A workforce that meets the needs of your business

When you hire through Local 525 you have access to a skilled and trained workforce that you can adjust to meet the ebb and flow of the industry. Our readily available craftsmen will give you the confidence to bid on larger projects and grow your business with fewer risks. We have hundreds of apprentices enrolled in both new construction and service and maintenance programs, and our journeymen have training and experience in leadership and marketing. Whether it’s a surge in demand or a long-term project, we can provide the manpower you need without the delays and costs of traditional hiring.

Technician Checking the Machine
Technician Taking Measurement

Confidence in meeting your manpower needs

For over 85 years, the craftsmen of Plumbers, Pipefitters & Service Technicians Local 525 have been the labor force behind some of the most successful contractors in Nevada. We have multiple different contracts and marketing programs, written with the Southern Nevada market in mind. Contractors can choose the workforce that meets their needs at the wage rates that keep them profitable. We’re more than just a labor provider—we’re a strategic partner, and our officers and staff want to earn your trust.

If you’d like to discuss how we can help your business succeed through the best skilled and trained workforce available please fill out this form and we’ll get in touch with you. Or you can email us at

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